Ultherapy- a new non-surgical, non-invasive procedure for the face, neck and chest that uses ultrasound and the body’s own natural healing process to lift, tone, and tighten loose skin.
It is an FDA-cleared device used in the procedure utilizes the safe, time-tested energy of ultrasound to stimulate the deep structural support layers of the skin—including those typically addressed in a surgical facelift–without disturbing the surface of the skin.
Areas of the body that can be treated by ultherapy:
Brow/ upper face, midface cheek & jowl area, chin (submental) area, and lower neck. Most patients will need only one treatment session, for patients with more skin laxity, a second treatment maybe recommended for optimal results.
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Website: www.bangkok-plasticsurgery.com;
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Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/BangkokPlasticSurg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bangkokplastic
Ultherapy is a great alternative of surgical facelift. It is the only non-invasive technique that has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to actually lift facial and neck skin.Ultherapy in Dubai